About the campaign

Your Millennium bim Salary Account gives you rewards.

By paying in your salary with Millennium bim, you are eligible to take part in monthly prize draws.

In addition, by signing up for Credit Cards or Smart IZI and making transactions with these payment methods, you increase your chances of being one of the winners.
With Millennium bim, every transaction could be your next big chance to win


Eligible for this campaign are individual customers who pay in their salary of at least MZN 25,000 between 01 March and 30 August 2025.

Increase your chances of winning by carrying out the banking operations below!

  •  Domiciliation of salaries: 10 points
  • Credit card application: 5 points
  • Smart IZI migration or application: 5 points
  • Each transaction made via the Smart IZI App or Credit Card with a minimum amount of 1,000 MZN: 2 points

Dates of the prize draws:

8th April, 7th May, 9th June 2024, 7th July, 7th August and 9th September 2025

During the campaign, 60 customers will be winners, as listed below:
Monthly draws: 10 (ten) customers will be drawn each month and each will win MZN 30,000.

Campaign valid from 1st March to 30th August 2025.

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