Conditions of use
English translation, for information purposes only. The Portuguese original text is the only contractual version.
Regardless of the conditions of banking services, the terms of which are expressed in a document, users Millennium bim accept the following terms of providing information and other services Millennium bim through remote channels available. Analyzes, estimates, projections, opinions, comments and other information contained in the Millennium bim intended, exclusively, to the private disclosure constituting an aid to users and cannot be considered as a solicitation of operations or as a substitute for the exercise of own judgment on the part of recipients.
All information related to legal content and legal, were obtained from sources considered reliable and quality. However, Millennium bim not guarantee their accuracy or their strict update.
Information relating to securities are not recommendations or advice to sale, unless specifically stated in this direction, and not the query never dispense all legal documents and required prior to execution of operations by users. Specifically, information about mutual funds do not exempt the consultation of the prospectus and regulations for the management of funds and information about securities traded on secondary markets does not free consultation periodic mandatory information and prospectuses, in the case of mandatory existence .
The information obtained in fiscal Millennium bim intended for private use as an auxiliary information and does not preclude the use of experts, lawyers and official services in the resolution of any particular situation. Millennium bim not guarantee their accuracy or their strict update, declining any responsibility for the use that might be done with this information.
All content provided by external entities duly identified are the sole responsibility of those entities. Millennium bim seeks to select the content providers who hold high levels of reliability in the provision of services, not paying, however, no guarantee as to its accuracy and timeliness.
All services provided by entities external to the Millennium bim, although contact between service providers and customers has been, somehow, facilitated by Millennium bim, are the sole responsibility of those entities, Millennium bim declines any responsibility for damage or injury or damage which may arise directly or indirectly from them.
All information provided is aimed at the general knowledge and does not replace in any way the use of expert advice and in case of need. Millennium bim disclaims any liability for loss or damage or injury which may arise directly or indirectly from improper use of the same.
The intellectual property rights of all the contents of Millennium bim than external supply and as such properly identified, are owned by Millennium bim, including information, tools, applications for PDA's and mobile phones, the graphic design of web pages with all its components, all figures and text or graphics.
All information and, in general, the contents of the site www.millenniumbim.co.mz, content and applications provided may be changed without notice, except those to which the law expressly oblige.
No reproduction in whole or in part of any content of this website www.millenniumbim.co.mz without permission of their owners.
Millennium bim does not guarantee that applications function properly available on all devices and settings, is not responsible for any direct or indirect damage caused by the use of applications, which are provided without warranty of any kind nor undertakes to develop new versions of applications.
Application offering may only be used for personal purposes, Millennium bim conducted tests deemed necessary for the proper functioning of the application but does not guarantee that they are completely free of errors or inaccuracies.