Service provided to Individual Customers and non-Millennium bim, customers that intend to make transfers from and to any part of the world.

Tradeable currencies are:

Meticais (MZN) – to send and receive;
Dollars (USD) – only to send.

Note: Up to 5,000.00 USD can be sent per day (not exceeding the amount of 5,000.00 USD/month) or the equivalent in meticais.



  • Additional services: home delivery, telephone and message notification.
  • On receipt of funds, and in case there is a message from the sender, the bank will communicate this to the recipient.

To make the transaction, visit a Millennium bim branch and complete the standard form: Sending money / Receiving money. 

For sending, in domestic or international transfers, fees will be charged in accordance with the Bank’s applicable schedule of charges, available to be consulted at Millennium bim branches.

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