Ensure a growing income for your savings
30 days, 90 days, 180 days or 365 days.
Minimum opening amount: 5,000.00 MZN/ 1,000.00 USD / 1,000.00 EUR / 5,000.00 ZAR.
Term deposit will be renewed for an identical term, at the applicable interest rate on the renewal date, published in the Bank's Schedule of Charges.
This term deposit does not allow Top-up deposits.
Total or partial Early Withdrawal is allowed at any time during the period of the Term Deposit, subject to penalty of current month interest.
Interest will be paid at the end of each accrual period, in arrears, upon capital incorporation or credited in the associated current account, under the terms mentioned in the “Interest System”.

Branch: You can visit your nearest Millennium bim branch
Millennium bim Private Customers holders of current accounts in MZN, USD, EUR or ZAR.
Guarantee of full amount deposited at maturity or in case of Early Withdrawal.