Whatever happens, your loved one will have everything they need!
Beneficiaries choose the payment method that suits best. It also guarantees the contracted sum for you in case of total and permanent disability.
Guarantee covering the Risk of Death, paid in principal to the Beneficiary or legitimate heirs of the Policyholder, for the amount chosen by the Client.
Payment of capital contracted to the Policyholder corresponding to a level of disability of 100%, provided that the injuries suffered are equivalent to a level of disability of more than 66.6%.

To subscribe for this insurance, visit any Millennium bim branch.
Ages between 15 and 60, with those over 70 never being able to remain insured, under any circumstance. Customers over 60 will only benefit from Death Cover.
This insurance is in addition to any other life and personal accident insurance.
Example: Insurance for a person aged 31 and with capital of 200,000.00 MT, the policy premium costs from 160.00 MT/month. On the first invoice for the premium, 30.00 MT + Legal Taxes will be added to the cost of the policy.
Definitions of Terms (Questions)
Premium paid to the policyholder or to another in the event of the policyholder’s life or death. Includes rents, capitalization operations and retirement fund management operations.
Amount up to which compensation is paid following a claim covered by the contract.
Natural or legal person to whom the Insurer provides the benefit arising from an Insurance agreement or a capitalization operation.
Amount payable by the Insurer, in case of a claim covered by the policy, to repair the damage caused. In Life Insurance there is no strict compensation, but the delivery to the Beneficiary of the contracted amount.
This is defined as the sudden, fortuitous, unforeseen and abnormal event, due to the action of an external cause and against to the will of the Policyholder, Insured or Beneficiary.
Document that holds the Insurance agreement between the Policyholder and the Insurer, which contains the respective general and special, if any, agreed conditions and particulars.
Price due by the Policyholder to the Insurer in return for the obligation assumed by the Insurer to pay compensation or to provide certain capital in the event of a claim related to the risk covered.
An event or series of events provided for in the Insurance agreement, the verification of which allows the guarantees in the policy to be triggered as set forth therein.