Our History
Millennium bim stems from a strategic partnership between Banco Comercial Português currently known as Millennium bcp and the Mozambican State. The Bank was a pioneer in the introduction of ATM, POS, debit and credit cards, changing the banking dynamics at branches and providing its customers with personalized service.
Banco Comercial Portuguese (BCP) became the major shareholder of Banco Comercial de Moçambique (BCM) and Banco Internacional de Moçambique (BIM). These developments led to the need for a merger and for rationalisation and unification projects of the two commercial entities (BCM and BIM), eventually becoming named Banco Internacional de Moçambique, SA.
Banco Internacional de Moçambique became the largest and most modern bank operating in the domestic market. With two insurance companies operating in both banks, the merger between them was inherent and the largest private insurance company operating in the national market was born becoming named Seguradora Internacional de Moçambique, with Impar as its brand name.
Banco Comercial Português takes over the Millennium brand in every area where it was present. In alignment, Banco Internacional de Moçambique now takes Millennium bim as a trademark.
It reaches 1 million Customers, a milestone that reveals the Mozambicans' recognition and trust in the quality of Millennium bim. A universal service bank present from Rovuma to Maputo and with the largest branch network in the country.
We launched Millennium IZI, a mobile banking platform made available through a USSD *181# session, where financial and non-financial operations can be performed. In addition to other options, this platform allows term deposits to be set up and the purchase of top-up vouchers for several TV packages.
The Bank opened its new headquarters, designed according to the highest standards of international banking with the aim of offering a modern and efficient framework to its customers and employees, ensuring optimal conditions for excellent performance of its various services.
We launched the Smart IZI, a mobile banking platform, an App for Smartphones and Tablets with the Android and iOS operating systems. Customers have access to their global financial assets and can perform several types of operations. This includes blocking and unblocking of debit and credit cards.
The expansion of the Já Já Agents project and service provisions has helped Customers who until then had to travel long distances to find a branch. By the end of 2017, 294 merchants joined the project becoming Banking Agents (Já Já Agents).