Our Brand
Millennium is infinity expressed in a space of thousand years.
Millennium symbolizes the ability to go further, to stand up today in order to gain in the future, it is an expression of strength and resilience.
Millennium is a commitment to society and complicity with everyone's projects.
The energy of our ruby red colour is intense and bold. We are the colour of leadership, quality, innovation, seriousness and transparency.
We affirm ourselves
We affirm ourselves as the national leading Bank with a natural calling for innovation, quality of service and economies of scale, providing solid business platform;
We assume
We assume a supranational and globalized identity and it is our ambition to be recognised internationally for excellence in the distribution of products and services;
We bet
We invest in value creation in banking business in high potential markets, respecting and contributing to the growth of the countries where we operate.

Choose a place and a moment, a reason or a dream. When you think you're far away, we'll come to you via your mobile phone, tablet or computer and make everything more accessible and convenient. Therefore, being closer to our Customers does not mean having branches everywhere, but finding better alternatives and understanding their needs. Therefore, more than being close, we are closer.
Movement is the other name of life. It is a daily race that is won with flexibility and speed. The winners are those who anticipate with appropriate decisions, win those who adapt themselves to new realities. As a bank we generate solutions tailored to the challenges of our customers and become a tool for their achievements. Dynamism! A value that is always available to Millennium bim Customers.
A new idea is enough to look at the world with different eyes, creating new ways of overcoming. Today we renew and tomorrow we surprise, trying to be always in the lead. A bank that innovates with passion and creativity that each of our customers deserves and demands. With you we give wings to the imagination, we set to work and create more possibilities. If it's new, it's Millennium bim .