Remuneration and Welfare Board
Degree in Business Organization and Management from the Instituto Superior das Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa (ISCTE), Senior Business Management Program (PADE) – AESE, Advanced Staff Training Program – INSEAD
Currently a member of the Board of Directors and Chairman of the Remuneration and Welfare Board of BIM – Banco Internacional de Moçambique, S.A., he began his professional career in 1987 in the Commercial and Financial area of SMEs in the industrial sector. In 1990, he joined Banco Português do Atlântico, S.A. In 1996, already at Banco Comercial Português (BCP), he participates in the teams for integrating BPA into BCP. In 1997 he was responsible for the Marketing Department of Empresas BCP, S.A. In 1999 he was Coordinating Director of NovaRede (Retalho Sul) and member of the Management Committees at Banco de Portugal., and C.E.O. of the company Managerland, SA, in 2001. General Director of BCP, member of the Executive Committee for Retail, responsible for the Innovation and Commercial Promotion Department, Director of the company Millenniumbcp Gestão de Fundos de Investimento, SA, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the company Millenniumbcp Teleservices, SA and EC Member of CISP in 2005. Manager of AF Internacional, SGPS Sociedade Unipessoal, Lda. and Chief of Staff of the Chairman of the Executive Board of BCP, SA in 2007. Chairman of the Board of ActivoBank, SA in 2009. Chairman of the Board of Banco Investimento Imobiliário, SA in 2012. Member of the General and Supervisory Board of Portugal Capital Ventures-Sociedade de Capital de Risco SA and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Banco Millennium Angola, SA in 2012 and then, Vice-Chairman of of the Board of Directors of Bank Millennium Atlântico, SA (Angola) until 2022.
He has been a member of the Board of Directors of BCP, S.A. since 2009, having been reappointed in 2018, assuming the role of 3rd Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chairman of the EC (CEO).
He also holds the positions of Vice-Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Fundação Millennium bcp, Manager of BCP África, SGPS, Lda., Chairman of the Board of ActivoBank SA, member of the Supervisory Board of Bank Millennium, SA (Poland).
He holds a degree in economics from the Faculty of Economics of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa (FEUNL) and a postgraduate degree in Business from the Association for Higher Business Studies (AESE), in collaboration with IESE – Institute for Higher Business Studies at the University of Navarra.
He was CFO Director at Hidroeléctrica de Cahora Bassa (2003 - 2007), Executive Director - CFO at Caixa Geral de Depósitos, SA (2012 - 2016), Director (non-executive) at BCI - Banco Comercial de Moçambique, SA and President (non-executive) of the Board of Directors of Banco Caixa Geral, SA Spain (2013 - 2016). On 9 January 2017, he was co-opted by the Board of Directors to perform the duties of Member of the Board of Directors and Vice-Chairman of the Executive Committee of Banco Comercial Português, SA, until the end of the mandate (2015/2017), having been reappointed in these positions on 30 May 2018 for the 2018/2021 term, from 17 July 2018 to 17 February 2020 he was Chairman of the Audit Committee of BIM and from 20 June 2017 to 2 November 2021 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of Banque Privée BCP (Suisse) He is currently a Member of the Board of Directors and Member of the Remuneration and Welfare Board (reappointed on 03/24/2021), Chairman of the Appointments and Remuneration Committee, elected on ….. … of BIM - Banco Internacional de Moçambique, SA
Graduated in Human Resources Management and Work Psychology at the European University and Postgraduate in Human Resources Management at the Instituto Superior de Gestão.
She started her career as an intern and client manager at the Campo de Ourique branch (1989 - 1990). From 1990 to 1993, she was technician and later responsible for the Planning, Organization and Resources Office of the Southern Commercial Department of Banco Português do Atlântico. He was responsible for the Support Office for the Southern Commercial Department at BPA (1993 - 1997) and the “Novo Rumo” Project Team – BPA restoration (1994-1995).
At Millennium Bcp since 1997, where she held the positions of Deputy Director in the Quality Department (1997 - 2003). Director of the Training Department (2003 - 2012) where she was also responsible for the Human Resources Team of the Welcome project (2006 - 2007). Director of the Resource Management Department (2012 - 2019). Currently Director of Human Resources since 2019. Member of the Remuneration and Welfare Board and member of the Appointments and Remuneration Committee (2021).